Clinton County



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1883 Pension List - Clinton County, NY

The following list was provided by James Elbrecht for inclusion on the Clinton County Page. Many thanks to him for providing it. He ordered the original 1883 set, and found that the Baltimore Pub. Co. just copied the government documents verbatim. Any mistakes that may have been in the original documents, remain.
There are 424 entries. According to a NARA researcher that contacted James, the pension # might just confuse someone looking for a pension. The researcher said that the pension #'s might change during the course of some pensions, so the pension # listed may not be accurate.

The list is broken into three sections. Surnames from A through G are below. Click here for surnames H through Q. and here for R through Z

NamePost OfficeCauseMonthly RateCert. #Date of Allowance
Alford, Mary C.Mooers Forksdep. mother $8.00149,641 April 1871
Allard, Charlotte Mooers Forksdep. mother $8.00 21,962May 1864
Allen, Ira B. Champlain Surv. 1812 $8.00 22,003 May 1878
Allen, SarahMorrisonville widow 1812 $8.00 15,490 Jan. 1879
Allen, Sarah Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 18,865 Feb. 1879
Allen, WilliamMorrisonville anaemia & debility$8.00219,837Oct. 1882
Armstrong, JamesMooers Forks varicose veins $8.00164,515 July 1880
Armstrong, JohnBedfordinjury to abdomen$6.00123,784June 1873
Arno, MargaretMorrisonvilledep. mother$8.00158,543 June 1872
Arno, Martha Ellenburg widow $8.00 99,232 Mar. 1868
Arnold, Melissa Cadyville dep. mother $8.00 63,065 Jan. 1866
Aroen, Rose A. West Plattsburgh widow 1812 $8.00 31,668 May 1881
Artemus, Oliver Ellenburg dep. father$8.00 147,470 Jan. 1871
Ashley, Silas Plattsburgh wd. R leg & foot $4.00 42,843 May 1865
Austin, Apollos jr. Altoona Surv. 1812 $8.00 2,037 Feb. 1871
Bailey, Erastus H. Peasleeville wd. L. ankle $5.33 59,693 Mar.1866
Bailey, Martha S. Plattsburgh widow $24.00 188,987 July 1880
Baker, James West Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 53June 1871
Barcomb, ToussaintMooers Forks dis. lungs $3.00 147,690 Aug. 1877
Barnaby, Charlotte Ellenburgh Center widow $8.00 150,647 May 1871
Barner. Jeremiah Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 22,029 Oct. 1875
Barnes, Geo. Plattsburgh loss three toes, L foot $6.00 87,690 Dec. 1867
Bassett, Theophilus Bedford dep. father $8.00 157,223 April 1872
Beach, William Plattsburgh chr. diarrhea $6.00 123,372 May 1873
Bell, Eugene Plattsburgh g.s.w. L leg & hip $18.00 63,882 May 1866
Belonga, Mary A. Altoona Dep. Mother $8.00 145,667 Nov. 1870
Belonge, Mary Chazy widow $8.00 17,534 Feb. 1879
Benway, Washington Sparrowbush wd. R shoulder $8.00 17,631 Oct. 1863
Biglin, Ann Dannemora dep. mother $8.00 150,433 Mar. 1871
Blackman, Wm. J. M. Bedford wd. r. leg $6.00 68,941 July 1866
Blanchard, Charles Plattsburgh loss of R foot $18.00 45,010 June 1865
Blanchard, Lorain Morrisonville widow 1812 $8.00 29,471 May 1880
Blood, Henry Black Brook w. l. arm $6.00 63,853 May 1866
Blow, Joseph B. Ellenburgh Center dis. lungs $8.00 169,576 June 1880
Blues, October Plattsburgh loss L. arm $18.00 53,348 Nov. 1865
Boardman, Julia A. Morrisonville widow $8.00 4,115 July 1863
Boas, Isaiah Mooers Forks chr. diarr. $4.00 188,858 May 1881
Boas, Thos. Bedford chr. diarhea $6.00 164,146 Jan. 1880
Bolir, Mary F. Irona widow $8.00 150,607 May 1871
Bonyea, George Rouse's Point wd. R shoulder $2.00 139,733 May 1879
Boodrow, Batise Chazy int. fever $4.00 138,735 April 1876
Bow, John Q. A. Ellenburgh Center wd. head $4.00 129,979 Sept. 1874
Bowran, Lyman E. Rouse's Point loss of R arm above elbow $24.00 60,512 Mar. 1866
Bradford, George W. Plattsburgh g.s.w. L leg $8.00 10,789 Apr. 1863
Brewster, Jacop K. Morrisonville injury to abdomen $6.00 90,904 May 1868
Brill, Fred'k W. Bedford rheum $4.00 66,259 June 1868
Broadwell, Susan Morrisonville widow 1812 $8.00 14,978 Jan 1879
Bromley, Hallock Beekmantown Surv. 1812 $8.00 24,128 Sep 1878
Brooks, Lilly A. Morrisonville widow 1812 $8.00 62,497 Feb. 1867
Brothers, Joseph Chazy wd. r. leg $4.00 82,700 June 1867
Brothers, Lucy Ingraham dep. mother $8.00 171,212 April 1874<
Bugbee, Willard B. Forest wd. R. thigh $4.00 123,182 May 1873
Bully, Mitchell Plattsburgh wd. R breast, both thighs, & L leg $18.00 15,648 Aug. 1863
Burch, Mary E. Morrisonville widow $8.00 19,387 April 1867
Burden, Florinda Bedford dep. mother $8.00 169,570 June 1875
Burtis, Charles Morrisonville dis. lungs $8.00 22,537 Jan. 1864
Cannon, Samuel Bedford wd. head $12.00 134,517 July 1875
Cannon, Wm. R. Bedford rheum. $6.00 143,699 Feb. 1877
Carlton, Stephan Dannemora wd. R. leg $8.00 137,344 Jan., 1876
Carter, John L. Ellenburg loss of R. arm $24.00 53,917 Nov. 1865
Cartwright, Edwd. M. Cadyville inj. back $8.00 115,384 Jan. 1872
Cashman, George G. Ellenburgh Center dis. stomach $8.00 125,668 Nov. 1873
Cashman, John Ellenburgh Center g.s.wd. L. foot $4.00 (not given) (not given)
Cheeseborough, Benjamin Ellenburgh Center surv. 1812 $8.00 5,770 Oct. 1871
Churchill, Ann C. Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 11,282 Nov. 1878
Clark, John Clinton Mills chr. rheum $8.00 151,961 Mar. 1878
Clemons, Caroline Ellenburg widow $8.00 83,327 Mar. 1868
Clingman, Wm. Plattsburgh wd. R arm $6.00 115,338 Feb. 1872
Colby, Levi S. Clinton Mills chr. diarhea $2.00 158,893 April 1879
Collins, Mary B. Plattsburgh widow $20.00 148,534 Mar. 1871
Comstock, Ezekial West Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 24,119 Sept. 1878
Conger, Sarah E. Sparrowbush widow 1812 $8.00 34,315 Jan. 1867
Cook, Edward A. Plattsburgh total blindness $72.00 30,611 July 1864
Coomes, Florinda Ellenburgh Center widow 1812 $8.00 32,328 April 1881
Corbin, Margaret Champlain widow 1812 $8.00 9,876 Oct. 1878
Couch, Samuel Plattsburgh surv. 1812 $8.00 2,782 Aug. 1871
Craig, John Sparrowbush dis. lungs $18.00 103,217 June 1870
Crawford, GeorgePlattsburgh deafness of L ear and same of R $4.00 149,175 Nov. 1877
Crawford, Thomas Mooers Forksinjury to abdomen$6.00148,593 Oct. 1877
Cross, Harriet Plattsburghwidow $8.0023,322May 1864
Cross, John Rouse's Point wd. R shoulder$18.0028,092 May 1864
Curtis, Thomas Morrisonville malarial poisoning$2.00185,518May 1881
Cushion, Peter Plattsburghinjury to abdomen$4.00140,001 July 1876
Daggett, Ruth C. Champlain widow 1812 $8.00 98,722 Oct. 1878
Dailey, Lucy M. Ellenburgh Center dep. mother $8.00 169,724June 1875
Daley, James Plattsburgh fracture L arm $18.00 153,511 June 1978
Dame, Marg't Altoona Dep. Mother $8.00 4,058 Feb 1868
Danford, Jane Sparrowbush Dep. mother $8.00 144,246 Aug. 1870
Daniels, Benjamin Forest chr. diarr. $6.00 20,727 Nov. 1863
Darrah, Geo Cadyville wd. l. arm $12.00 101,001 Dec. 1870
Dearman, Michael Sparrowbush wd. R hip $6.00 150,269 Sept. 1876
Deforge, Nathan Churubusco g.s.wd. L. leg $8.00 63,796 (not given)
Delovier, George Dannemora dis. of abdomen and viscera $8.00 181,270 Jan., 1881
Demarge, Nelson Plattsburgh dep. father $8.00 13,107 June 1869
Demaris, Joseph Clayburg injury to abdomen $10.00 154,250 Jul. 1878
Depo, Adelaide Plattsburgh dep. mother $8.00 136,600Dec. 1869
DeShaw, Eunice A. Forest widow $10.00 164,241 Mar. 1873
Dinkett, Edw'd Dannemora wd. rt. hand& thigh $6.00 115,694 Feb. 1872
Dolan, Christopher Plattsburgh g.s.wd. R. arm & dis. lungs $20.00 76,371 Jan. 1867
Donahue, Nancy A. Plattsburgh widow $8.00 2,386 Mar. 1867
Donnelly, James Plattsburgh wd. R breast $8.00 90,735 Aug. 1878
Doolittle, Catharine Champlain widow 1812 $8.00 30,816 Nov. 1880
Douglas, Isadore A. Black Brookwidow $8.00 2,194 Feb 1867
Douglas, Philissa Black Brook dep. mother $8.00 142,545 April 1870
Downey, Lorenzo Clayburg wd. r. thigh $4.0032,026 Aug. 1864
Drury, Eliza S. East Beekmantown widow 1812 $8.00 34,403 May 1879
Dubray, Peter Bedford wd. side 7 front body $4.00 113,616 Sept 1871
Dugan, Richard Clayburgwd. l. hand$14.0050,544 Oct. 1865
Duguett, Alfred Plattsburgh wd. of head$4.00137,467June 1875
Dulaff, Geo Clinton Millswd. grt. toe l. foot $2.00146,158 June 1877
Duley, Andrew AltoonaDep. father$8.00170,602 Sept 1875
Dunham, William Forest wd. L. hand &dis. heart $14.00120,328Dec. 1872
Dupee, Lewis East Beekmantownwd. L. arm $6.0082,865 July 1867
Durgin, Deborah Plattsburgh dep. mother$8.00 90,644 Mar. 1869
Durkee, Joseph Plattsburgh dep. father $8.00 190,167 Oct. 1880
Durrest, Lydia Morrisonville dep. mother $8.00 169,980 July, 1875
Eaker, Hezekiah Ingraham wd. L. ankle$4.00 146,534 Mar. 1877
Eastman, Louisa West Plattsburgh widow $8.0023,133 Mar. 1864
Edwards, Emily Plattsburgh dep. mother $8.00 185,468 Sept. 1879
Eldridge, Jane Champlain dep. mother $8.00 95,998 June 1869
Emerson, Esther Cadyville widow$20.0047,000 May 1865
Emery, John Ellenburgwd. Rt. Hand $8.00 70,132Aug. 1886
Fabburah, Wm. H. Plattsburgh wd. R thigh$18.0013,383 June 1863
Fahey, Patrick Beekmantown w. l. thigh$8.00137,314 Jan 1876
Fifield, Wm. Ellenburgh Centerinj. to abdomen, both sides$8.00100,190Aug. 1876
Fitch, John Rouse's Pointwd. L arm$6.00 141,824Oct 1876
Fitzgerald, Margaret Plattsburgh dep. mother$8.00 23,216 May 1864
FitzGibbons, Thomas Plattsburghinjury of spine$6.00316,853 Aug. 1882
Ford, Malvinah H. Ellenburgh Center dep. mother$8.00135,922Oct. 1869
Fordham, Phebe Plattsburgh widow$14.00178,098 July 1877
Fournier, Mary Bedford dep. mother $8.00 112,536 May 1868
Frederick, Charles Plattsburgh g.s.wd. L. hand $5.00152,568 April 1878
Gaffney, Ellen Sparrowbushdep. mother $8.00132,226 July 1869
Gaffney, Patrick Sparrowbush dep. father$8.00 185,389 Aug. 1879
Gaskill, Samuel J. Clinton Millswd. r. arm$4.00145,650 June 1877
Gibo, Edward Plattsburgh loss of R thumb $4.00 154,918Aug. 1878
Gibson, Agnes Ellenburg widow $8.00 28,796 Aug. 1864
Gill, Edward Clayburg wd. chest $4.00100,892Nov. 1869
Gilman, Mary Champlain dep. mother $8.00 181,790 Aug. 1868
Gilroy, Edward Beekmantownw. r. leg $18.00 24,911 Mar 1864
Glazier, Abigail S. Bedford widow $8.0046,419May 1865
Gonyea, Lucy Bedforddep. mother$8.00165,009 May 1874
Goodell, Elijah Ellenburgh Center lung dis. $6.00143,854 July 1875
Gorban, John A. R. Bedforddep. father$8.00132,969 Aug. 1869
Gorham, Sarah Mooers Forks dep. mother$8.00 105,904 Jan. 1868
Gough, Elizabeth Plattsburgh widow $8.00 72,970 June 1868
Gran, Jacob Plattsburgh wd. L ankle $12.00 16,845 Sept. 1863
Grant, John Churubusco loss 2 fingers r. hand $5.00 108,179Feb. 1871
Grant, Sarah A. Plattsburghdep. mother$8.00 85,616 Oct. 1866
Grant, William Plattsburgh injury to abdomen $4.00 136,643 Oct. 1875
Gregory, Maria T. Chazywidow 1812 $8.00 20,269 Mar. 1879
Griffin, Eliza A. Plattsburghsurv. 1812$8.0023,504 May 1879
Groves, James Morrisonville insanity$50.00145,914 June 1877
Guynup, Arnold W. Plattsburgh mental derangement due to sunstroke$72.00 125,863 Nov. 1873


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last edited 05 Mar 2018


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