1883 Pension List - Clinton County, NY
The following list was provided by
James Elbrecht for inclusion on
the Clinton County Page. Many thanks to him for providing it. He ordered
the original 1883 set, and found that the Baltimore Pub. Co. just copied the
government documents verbatim. Any mistakes that may have been in the original
documents, remain. There are 424 entries. According to a NARA
researcher that contacted James, the pension # might just confuse someone
looking for a pension. The researcher said that the pension #'s might change
during the course of some pensions, so the pension # listed may not be
The list is broken into three sections. Surnames from A through G are below. Click here for surnames H through Q. and here for R through Z
Name | Post Office | Cause | Monthly Rate | Cert.
# | Date of Allowance |
Mary C. | Mooers Forks | dep. mother
| $8.00 | 149,641 | April
1871 | Allard, Charlotte | Mooers
Forks | dep. mother | $8.00 | 21,962 | May 1864 |
Allen, Ira B. |
Champlain |
Surv. 1812 |
$8.00 |
22,003 |
May 1878 |
Allen, Sarah | Morrisonville |
widow 1812 |
$8.00 |
15,490 |
Jan. 1879 |
Allen, Sarah |
Plattsburgh |
surv. 1812 |
$8.00 |
18,865 |
Feb. 1879 | Allen, William | Morrisonville | anaemia & debility | $8.00 | 219,837 | Oct.
1882 | Armstrong, James | Mooers
Forks | varicose veins | $8.00 | 164,515 | July 1880 | Armstrong, John | Bedford | injury
to abdomen | $6.00 | 123,784 | June 1873 |
Arno, Margaret | Morrisonville | dep. mother | $8.00 | 158,543 |
June 1872 |
Arno, Martha | Ellenburg |
widow | $8.00 | 99,232 |
Mar. 1868 |
Arnold, Melissa | Cadyville |
dep. mother | $8.00 |
63,065 | Jan. 1866 |
Aroen, Rose A. | West Plattsburgh |
widow 1812 | $8.00 | 31,668 |
May 1881 |
Artemus, Oliver | Ellenburg |
dep. father | $8.00 | 147,470 |
Jan. 1871 |
Ashley, Silas | Plattsburgh |
wd. R leg & foot | $4.00 |
42,843 | May 1865 |
Austin, Apollos jr. | Altoona |
Surv. 1812 | $8.00 | 2,037 |
Feb. 1871 | Bailey, Erastus H. |
Peasleeville | wd. L. ankle |
$5.33 | 59,693 | Mar.1866 |
Bailey, Martha S. | Plattsburgh |
widow | $24.00 | 188,987
| July 1880 | Baker, James |
West Plattsburgh | surv. 1812 |
$8.00 | 53 | June
1871 | Barcomb, Toussaint | Mooers
Forks | dis. lungs | $3.00 |
147,690 | Aug. 1877 |
Barnaby, Charlotte | Ellenburgh Center |
widow | $8.00 | 150,647 |
May 1871 | Barner. Jeremiah
| Plattsburgh | surv. 1812 |
$8.00 | 22,029 | Oct.
1875 | Barnes, Geo. | Plattsburgh |
loss three toes, L foot | $6.00 |
87,690 | Dec. 1867 | Bassett, Theophilus | Bedford | dep. father | $8.00 | 157,223
| April 1872 | Beach,
William | Plattsburgh | chr. diarrhea
| $6.00 | 123,372 |
May 1873 | Bell, Eugene | Plattsburgh | g.s.w. L leg & hip | $18.00 | 63,882 | May
1866 |
Belonga, Mary A. | Altoona | Dep. Mother | $8.00 | 145,667 |
Nov. 1870 | Belonge, Mary |
Chazy | widow | $8.00 |
17,534 | Feb. 1879 |
Benway, Washington | Sparrowbush |
wd. R shoulder | $8.00 | 17,631 | Oct. 1863 | Biglin, Ann | Dannemora |
dep. mother | $8.00 | 150,433 |
Mar. 1871 | Blackman, Wm. J. M.
| Bedford | wd. r. leg |
$6.00 | 68,941 | July
1866 |
Blanchard, Charles |
Plattsburgh |
loss of R foot |
$18.00 |
45,010 |
June 1865 |
Blanchard, Lorain |
Morrisonville |
widow 1812 |
$8.00 |
29,471 |
May 1880 |
Blood, Henry |
Black Brook |
w. l. arm |
$6.00 |
63,853 |
May 1866 |
Blow, Joseph B. |
Ellenburgh Center |
dis. lungs |
$8.00 |
169,576 |
June 1880 |
Blues, October |
Plattsburgh |
loss L. arm |
$18.00 |
53,348 |
Nov. 1865 |
Boardman, Julia A. |
Morrisonville |
widow |
$8.00 |
4,115 |
July 1863 |
Boas, Isaiah |
Mooers Forks |
chr. diarr. |
$4.00 |
188,858 |
May 1881 |
Boas, Thos. |
Bedford chr. |
diarhea |
$6.00 |
164,146 |
Jan. 1880 |
Bolir, Mary F. |
Irona |
widow |
$8.00 |
150,607 |
May 1871 |
Bonyea, George |
Rouse's Point |
wd. R shoulder |
$2.00 |
139,733 |
May 1879 |
Boodrow, Batise |
Chazy |
int. fever |
$4.00 |
138,735 |
April 1876 |
Bow, John Q. A. |
Ellenburgh Center |
wd. head |
$4.00 |
129,979 |
Sept. 1874 |
Bowran, Lyman E. |
Rouse's Point |
loss of R arm above elbow |
$24.00 |
60,512 |
Mar. 1866 |
Bradford, George W. |
Plattsburgh |
g.s.w. L leg |
$8.00 |
10,789 |
Apr. 1863 |
Brewster, Jacop K. |
Morrisonville |
injury to abdomen |
$6.00 |
90,904 |
May 1868 |
Brill, Fred'k W. |
Bedford |
rheum |
$4.00 |
66,259 |
June 1868 |
Broadwell, Susan |
Morrisonville |
widow 1812 |
$8.00 |
14,978 |
Jan 1879 |
Bromley, Hallock |
Beekmantown |
Surv. 1812 |
$8.00 |
24,128 |
Sep 1878 |
Brooks, Lilly A. |
Morrisonville |
widow 1812 |
$8.00 |
62,497 |
Feb. 1867 |
Brothers, Joseph |
Chazy |
wd. r. leg |
$4.00 |
82,700 |
June 1867 |
Brothers, Lucy |
Ingraham |
dep. mother |
$8.00 |
171,212 |
April 1874< |
Bugbee, Willard B. |
Forest |
wd. R. thigh |
$4.00 |
123,182 |
May 1873 |
Bully, Mitchell |
Plattsburgh |
wd. R breast, both thighs, & L leg |
$18.00 |
15,648 |
Aug. 1863 |
Burch, Mary E. |
Morrisonville |
widow |
$8.00 |
19,387 |
April 1867 |
Burden, Florinda |
Bedford |
dep. mother |
$8.00 |
169,570 |
June 1875 |
Burtis, Charles |
Morrisonville |
dis. lungs |
$8.00 |
22,537 |
Jan. 1864 |
Cannon, Samuel |
Bedford |
wd. head |
$12.00 |
134,517 |
July 1875 |
Cannon, Wm. R. |
Bedford |
rheum. |
$6.00 |
143,699 |
Feb. 1877 |
Carlton, Stephan |
Dannemora |
wd. R. leg |
$8.00 |
137,344 |
Jan., 1876 |
Carter, John L. |
Ellenburg |
loss of R. arm |
$24.00 |
53,917 |
Nov. 1865 |
Cartwright, Edwd. M. |
Cadyville |
inj. back |
$8.00 |
115,384 |
Jan. 1872 |
Cashman, George G. | Ellenburgh
Center | dis. stomach | $8.00 |
125,668 | Nov. 1873 |
Cashman, John | Ellenburgh Center |
g.s.wd. L. foot | $4.00 |
(not given) | (not given) |
Cheeseborough, Benjamin | Ellenburgh
Center | surv. 1812 | $8.00 |
5,770 | Oct. 1871 |
Churchill, Ann C. | Plattsburgh |
surv. 1812 | $8.00 | 11,282 |
Nov. 1878 |
Clark, John |
Clinton Mills |
chr. rheum |
$8.00 |
151,961 |
Mar. 1878 |
Clemons, Caroline | Ellenburg |
widow | $8.00 | 83,327 |
Mar. 1868 | Clingman, Wm. |
Plattsburgh | wd. R arm |
$6.00 | 115,338 | Feb.
1872 | Colby, Levi S. | Clinton
Mills | chr. diarhea | $2.00 |
158,893 | April 1879 |
Collins, Mary B. | Plattsburgh |
widow | $20.00 | 148,534 |
Mar. 1871 | Comstock, Ezekial |
West Plattsburgh | surv. 1812 |
$8.00 | 24,119 | Sept.
1878 | Conger, Sarah E. | Sparrowbush |
widow 1812 | $8.00 |
34,315 | Jan. 1867 | Cook, Edward A. | Plattsburgh |
total blindness | $72.00 |
30,611 |
July 1864 |
Coomes, Florinda |
Ellenburgh Center |
widow 1812 |
$8.00 |
32,328 |
April 1881 |
Corbin, Margaret | Champlain |
widow 1812 | $8.00 | 9,876 |
Oct. 1878 | Couch, Samuel | Plattsburgh | surv. 1812 |
$8.00 | 2,782 | Aug.
1871 | Craig, John | Sparrowbush |
dis. lungs | $18.00 |
103,217 | June 1870 |
Crawford, George | Plattsburgh | deafness of L ear and same of R | $4.00
| 149,175 | Nov. 1877 | Crawford, Thomas | Mooers Forks | injury to abdomen | $6.00 | 148,593 |
Oct. 1877 |
Cross, Harriet | Plattsburgh | widow
| $8.00 | 23,322 | May
1864 | Cross, John | Rouse's
Point | wd. R shoulder | $18.00 | 28,092 | May 1864 | Curtis, Thomas | Morrisonville | malarial poisoning | $2.00 | 185,518 | May 1881 | Cushion, Peter | Plattsburgh | injury to abdomen | $4.00 | 140,001 |
July 1876 | Daggett, Ruth C.
| Champlain | widow 1812 | $8.00 | 98,722 | Oct.
1878 | Dailey, Lucy M. | Ellenburgh
Center | dep. mother | $8.00 | 169,724 | June 1875 | Daley, James | Plattsburgh | fracture L arm | $18.00 | 153,511
| June 1978 | Dame,
Marg't | Altoona | Dep. Mother |
$8.00 | 4,058 | Feb
1868 | Danford, Jane | Sparrowbush |
Dep. mother | $8.00 |
144,246 | Aug. 1870 |
Daniels, Benjamin |
Forest |
chr. diarr. | $6.00 | 20,727
| Nov. 1863 | Darrah, Geo |
Cadyville | wd. l. arm |
$12.00 | 101,001 | Dec.
1870 | Dearman, Michael | Sparrowbush
| wd. R hip | $6.00 |
150,269 | Sept. 1876 | Deforge, Nathan | Churubusco |
g.s.wd. L. leg | $8.00 | 63,796 | (not given) | Delovier, George | Dannemora |
dis. of abdomen and viscera | $8.00 |
181,270 | Jan., 1881 | Demarge, Nelson | Plattsburgh |
dep. father | $8.00 | 13,107
| June 1869 | Demaris,
Joseph | Clayburg | injury to abdomen |
$10.00 | 154,250 | Jul.
1878 | Depo, Adelaide | Plattsburgh |
dep. mother | $8.00 |
136,600 | Dec. 1869 | DeShaw, Eunice A. | Forest |
widow | $10.00 | 164,241
| Mar. 1873 | Dinkett, Edw'd |
Dannemora | wd. rt. hand& thigh | $6.00 | 115,694 | Feb.
1872 | Dolan, Christopher | Plattsburgh |
g.s.wd. R. arm & dis. lungs | $20.00 |
76,371 | Jan. 1867 | Donahue, Nancy A. | Plattsburgh |
widow | $8.00 | 2,386 |
Mar. 1867 | Donnelly, James |
Plattsburgh | wd. R breast |
$8.00 | 90,735 | Aug.
1878 | Doolittle, Catharine |
Champlain | widow 1812 |
$8.00 | 30,816 | Nov.
1880 |
Douglas, Isadore A. | Black Brook | widow | $8.00 | 2,194
| Feb 1867 | Douglas,
Philissa | Black Brook | dep. mother
| $8.00 | 142,545
| April 1870 | Downey,
Lorenzo | Clayburg | wd. r. thigh
| $4.00 | 32,026 | Aug.
1864 | Drury, Eliza S. | East
Beekmantown | widow 1812 | $8.00 | 34,403 | May 1879 | Dubray, Peter | Bedford | wd. side 7 front body | $4.00 | 113,616 | Sept 1871 | Dugan, Richard | Clayburg | wd. l. hand | $14.00 | 50,544
| Oct. 1865 | Duguett,
Alfred | Plattsburgh | wd. of head | $4.00 | 137,467 | June
1875 | Dulaff, Geo | Clinton
Mills | wd. grt. toe l. foot | $2.00 | 146,158 | June 1877 | Duley, Andrew | Altoona | Dep. father | $8.00 | 170,602 |
Sept 1875 | Dunham, William
| Forest | wd. L. hand &dis. heart |
$14.00 | 120,328 | Dec.
1872 |
Dupee, Lewis | East Beekmantown | wd. L. arm | $6.00 | 82,865
| July 1867 | Durgin, Deborah
| Plattsburgh | dep. mother | $8.00 | 90,644 | Mar.
1869 | Durkee, Joseph | Plattsburgh
| dep. father | $8.00 | 190,167 | Oct. 1880 | Durrest, Lydia | Morrisonville | dep. mother | $8.00 | 169,980
| July, 1875 | Eaker,
Hezekiah | Ingraham | wd. L. ankle | $4.00 | 146,534 | Mar.
1877 | Eastman, Louisa | West
Plattsburgh | widow | $8.00 | 23,133 | Mar. 1864 | Edwards, Emily | Plattsburgh | dep. mother | $8.00 | 185,468
| Sept. 1879 | Eldridge,
Jane | Champlain | dep. mother | $8.00 | 95,998 | June
1869 | Emerson, Esther | Cadyville |
widow | $20.00 | 47,000 |
May 1865 | Emery, John | Ellenburg | wd. Rt. Hand | $8.00 |
70,132 | Aug. 1886 |
Fabburah, Wm. H. | Plattsburgh |
wd. R thigh | $18.00 | 13,383
| June 1863
| Fahey, Patrick | Beekmantown |
w. l. thigh | $8.00 | 137,314 |
Jan 1876 | Fifield, Wm.
| Ellenburgh Center | inj. to abdomen,
both sides | $8.00 | 100,190 | Aug. 1876 | Fitch, John | Rouse's Point | wd. L arm | $6.00 |
141,824 | Oct 1876 | Fitzgerald, Margaret | Plattsburgh | dep. mother | $8.00 | 23,216 |
May 1864 | FitzGibbons,
Thomas | Plattsburgh | injury of
spine | $6.00 | 316,853 | Aug. 1882 | Ford, Malvinah H.
| Ellenburgh Center | dep. mother | $8.00 | 135,922 | Oct.
1869 | Fordham, Phebe | Plattsburgh |
widow | $14.00 | 178,098
| July 1877 | Fournier, Mary
| Bedford | dep. mother | $8.00 | 112,536 | May
1868 | Frederick, Charles | Plattsburgh |
g.s.wd. L. hand | $5.00 | 152,568 | April 1878 | Gaffney, Ellen | Sparrowbush | dep. mother | $8.00 | 132,226
| July 1869 | Gaffney,
Patrick | Sparrowbush | dep. father | $8.00 | 185,389 | Aug.
1879 | Gaskill, Samuel J. | Clinton
Mills | wd. r. arm | $4.00 | 145,650 | June 1877 | Gibo, Edward | Plattsburgh | loss of R thumb | $4.00 | 154,918 | Aug. 1878 | Gibson, Agnes | Ellenburg | widow | $8.00 | 28,796
| Aug. 1864 | Gill, Edward
| Clayburg | wd. chest | $4.00 | 100,892 | Nov.
1869 | Gilman, Mary | Champlain
| dep. mother | $8.00 | 181,790 | Aug. 1868 | Gilroy, Edward | Beekmantown | w. r. leg | $18.00 | 24,911
| Mar 1864 | Glazier, Abigail
S. | Bedford | widow | $8.00 | 46,419 | May 1865 |
Gonyea, Lucy | Bedford | dep. mother | $8.00 | 165,009 |
May 1874 |
Goodell, Elijah | Ellenburgh Center
| lung dis. | $6.00 | 143,854 | July 1875 | Gorban, John A. R. | Bedford | dep. father | $8.00 | 132,969 |
Aug. 1869 | Gorham, Sarah | Mooers Forks | dep. mother | $8.00 | 105,904 | Jan.
1868 | Gough, Elizabeth | Plattsburgh |
widow | $8.00 | 72,970
| June 1868 | Gran, Jacob
| Plattsburgh | wd. L ankle | $12.00 | 16,845 | Sept.
1863 | Grant, John | Churubusco
| loss 2 fingers r. hand | $5.00
| 108,179 | Feb. 1871 | Grant, Sarah A. | Plattsburgh | dep. mother | $8.00 | 85,616
| Oct. 1866 | Grant, William
| Plattsburgh | injury to abdomen
| $4.00 | 136,643 | Oct. 1875 | Gregory, Maria T. | Chazy | widow 1812 | $8.00
| 20,269 | Mar. 1879 | Griffin, Eliza A. | Plattsburgh | surv. 1812 | $8.00 | 23,504
| May 1879 | Groves, James
| Morrisonville | insanity | $50.00 | 145,914 | June
1877 | Guynup, Arnold W. | Plattsburgh |
mental derangement due to sunstroke | $72.00 |
125,863 | Nov. 1873 |